Launch Day!
Today is such a big day for Ashley Grant Photography and I am so excited you are here! Yay! You are witnessing the first launch of my new website and truly the start of my whole new world! Yes, I did just sing the song from Aladdin while I wrote that line. Oh, I know you did too. And if you didn’t originally… I hope you are now! Anyways, where was I? Oh yes, so you are getting a front row seat to the life I live, the ways in which I think and the beautiful souls my business allows me to reach. I cannot wait for you to come along this wonderful journey with me! I hope you will stay a while.
Before you take your time venturing through my various galleries and webpages, I suggest you grab yourself a drink and a tasty snack. Get yourself a big cup of coffee or an ice cold tea. Hey if you are feeling like you need something stronger I recommend a beer, a glass of wine or my favorite, a classic margarita on the rocks. For a snack, I highly recommend a box of glaze twist donuts, but that’s just my guilty pleasure. Maybe not with the margarita, but who am I to tell you how to live?
Now once you’re nice and comfortable, you should get browsing! I hope during your journey through the ins and outs of my website, something strikes up a cord with you in the best way possible! I can tell you right now, I would be honored and am already ecstatic about what we can create if we worked together! But if you aren’t ready just yet to dive into a session with me or even jump in on my email list, maybe you’ll find your way back to my website one day and I’ll be a match for you then! Crossing my fingers!!
XOXO, Ashley